Les fausses fleurs

fake flowers

Ever since she was little, Sophie has loved walking through cemeteries… So much beautiful ironwork, crowns of old pearls, first names, angels, past lives and calm. And then there are those flowers. Especially those that are thrown away! The large bins are for her like the floats of the flower parades of the Belle Époque in which she can help herself and plan to make wonderful decorations. So yes ; It has become a real addiction! Always flowers, flowers and more flowers.
Luckily, since the family bought the old farmhouse, there's a shed in front of the house with almost enough room to quench that insane thirst. Roses, Chrysanthemums, Orchids, Lilies, Peonies, Ranunculus, Marigolds, Dahlias, Geraniums, Hydrangeas, succulents, ivy and wire...
These witnesses of a minor funerary art are of an extreme variety and seem to jump the times while passing by temporal corridors. It is thus possible to have the chance to come across large stems of flowers in hyper realistic buttons in plasticized fabrics or on charming little bouquets of wild roses decorated with soft green ferns. "Come on, let's go through the trash and find very beautiful things" sings Steve Waring!

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